Every ancient culture practiced some form of astrology.

For as long as humans have thought about our relationship to the earth and sky, we've been tracking the paths of planets and other satellites and pondering our connection to them. Astrology is a discipline whose roots go back to the earliest civilizations, before science, psychology, and religion were seen as separate modes of thought. Though its origins are ancient, astrology as a practice is constantly being updated. As cultures change, as languages change, the stories we tell each other about our place relationship to the universe also changes.

I see the birth chart as something like a DNA map for your energetic body. Like DNA, the ingredients are limited but the combinations are almost infinite. Interpreting this data is an intuitive art that acknowledges the subjectivity of both the client and the astrologer (this is why there is no "proving" or disproving astrology). Astrology shows us possibilities and overarching themes in our lives; it helps us claim our strengths and see the larger picture.

Astrology says, hey let’s take all this incredibly precise

data and then write a poem from it.

If the poem works, it will heal something in us.

Working with astrology doesn’t require any belief system, only the willingness to entertain the idea that we are connected to larger cycles. You are one small piece of a much larger whole and within you are many voices, impulses, ages, and experiences. All of this is present in your birth chart. Every time I sit down to do a reading I hold respect for this vastness, for the intricacies and subtleties of our interconnectedness that I can’t begin to understand. I just do my best to interpret for you, for the moment that we share together, as I sense how you are living into your energetic map.